The 2023 MLB All-Star Game is underway in Seattle, and it didn’t take long for basically everyone on social media to agree on one thing—the soulless uniforms being worn by the National League and American League teams are awful and should never be used again.
MLB used to have players wear their normal team uniforms in the All-Star Game. But that changed in 2021, and it seems to take so much of the fun out of the annual game.
This year’s uniforms make it very hard to tell who each player is, which isn’t ideal for fans watching in the stadium or on TV.
Here’s what they look like in action:
WHAT. A. START. #AllStarGame
— MLB (@MLB) July 12, 2023
Fans were not happy:
I get that MLB wants to make money by selling those hideous All-Star uniforms, but it’s so dumb not to have the players wear their regular team uniforms. It looks so much better and you can actually tell players apart.
— Jimmy Traina (@JimmyTraina) July 12, 2023
please please ditch All-Star Game jerseys and just wear team uniforms!
— nugget chef (@jayhaykid) July 11, 2023
I grew up a Royals fan. There were years the only national attention my team got was in All-Star introductions. Seeing my team's uniforms in such a prestigious event made me feel connected. MLB going away from that shows they're clueless about what it means to be a fan.
— Tom Hart (@tom_hart) July 12, 2023
MLB should let players wear their team uniforms for the All Star game.
It makes it easy for the fans to recognize the players, but more importantly it shows off the cities the players represent. #AllStarGame
— Augie Nash |
(@AugieNash) July 11, 2023
These All-Star uniforms are stunningly atrocious. A light green hat, navy jersey and dark grey pants.
Back in my day, everybody wore their normal uniforms and it was awesome. This country has truly gone to hell in a hand basket.
— Big T (@ConnerHKnapp) July 11, 2023
These All Star Game unis are brutal…let these dudes wear their actual team uniforms that have some sort All-Star recognition/marks on them. You don’t have to continuously try to reinvent the wheel. #AllStarGame2023
— Victor Rojas (@VictorRojas) July 12, 2023
Call me old school but I just don’t like the “uniform” all-star Jerseys. Makes it hard for the viewer to know what team they are with while watching. These are fine for BP, HR Derby and other events to sell merch but give me their regular uniforms at #AllStarGame every day
— Dave Marek (@dmarek94) July 11, 2023
Annual reminder:
MLB All-Star Games are better when players wear their team’s uniform.
— Ben Stevens (@BenScottStevens) July 12, 2023
I liked when teams’ uniforms were worn in the All Star Game. #oldschoolbestschool
— Jeff (@MNTwinsZealot) July 12, 2023
MLB completely screws the pooch with this horrible All-Star Game uniforms. The game was truly special when each player wore their own uniform.
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) July 12, 2023
MLB getting almost universally crushed for the uniforms tonight. Still no chance Manfred does anything about it next year…
— Mr. Smith
(@BadChoiceMilk) July 12, 2023