Gary Webster
After only 30 years of preparation, I’m here in Ashtabula County! To be technical, my broadcasting career started at age 12 when I took the walkie-talkies I was given as a Christmas gift to church camp. While my family went swimming, I sat at a picnic table and read the baseball scores from the morning paper into the walkie-talkies, hoping some other campers might hear me.
From there, it was on to Kent State University, where I spent nine months on the campus radio station and earned a degree in electronic communications. That was followed by three years in Chardon, a hiatus dabbling in other endeavors not nearly as satisfying, and then better than 26 years next door in Painesville. As a sideline, I write books, five of which have been published (and not self-published, either!) I may need something to read if I ever go back to broadcasting into walkie-talkies.