Umpires in Major League Baseball should always try their best to do their jobs correctly and not become a part of the game’s story. That, however, is often very hard for a lot of the guys in blue because we’re seeing more and more of them either impacting games with terrible calls or acting in an unprofessional manner.
That happened again Tuesday night in Houston when home plate umpire Jerry Layne got in the face of Astros shortstop Jeremy Peña after he seemed to calmly voice his displeasure with a bad-called strike.
This was a very terrible look for Layne:
Umpire Jerry Layne steps into the box and gets in Jeremy Peña’s face after Jeremy disagrees with the call
The Astros dugout gets fired up and Alex Cintron gets ejected
— APOLLO MEDIA (@ApolloHOU) May 31, 2023
Umpires just can’t do that.
MLB fans were not impressed:
@MLB suspend this clown
— HODGES (@WillHodges_) May 31, 2023
@mlb your umpiring crew needs some work. Jerry Layne called a horrible game. Do better.
— Dsykes (@Dsykes308) May 31, 2023
This ump should absolutely be disciplined. Totally unacceptable. If you can’t handle a player calmly objecting a call to where you get all up in your feelings and confront them in their face about it, this career is not for you. Grow a spine.
— Kendall (@_kendallrjones_) May 31, 2023
Bad call by ump, shows up batter, tosses coach to correct mistake. Awful!!! #umpshow
— David Weightman (@Weightmanstats) May 31, 2023
@MLB control these umpires. It’s getting to a point where they are untouchable and can do whatever they want now.
— Austin (@AuustinEnglandd) May 31, 2023
These umps are so trash it’s wild the MLB employs them
— Flossy
(@FlossyZach) May 31, 2023
@MLB @MLBUA This behavior, from an umpire who doesn't have a clue where the strike zone is, is totally unacceptable. He needs to be "invited" to retire immediately.
— Vamos Gatos (@VamosGatosCrew) May 31, 2023